Djunah Swimwear
DJUNAH is a distinctive line of high quality Brazilian-styled swimwear, designed and created in Bali, Indonesia. Delivering unique, detail-oriented pieces, our feminine “dare to wear” designs are uncomplicated yet directional and trendy, merging seamless comfort with stylish functionality. With roots forever anchored in the Caribbean island of Martinique, the line joins the distinctive blend of West Indian culture with the gentle warmth, love and spirit of the Balinese people and their land. Inspired by these two extraordinary tropical regions, the DJUNAH line combines extraordinary high quality fabrics that are printed in Indonesia, with chic Caribbean designs for a result that is nothing short of remarkable.
DJUNAH 's founder and designer was raised on the Island of Martinique, a French region in the Caribbean also known as “Madinina” - the flower island. Immersed in the exotic, tropical lifestyle of the island, she lived in bikinis (it sounds cliché, but it’s true) and loved everything about the unusual melting pot of European and Caribbean lifestyles – the exceptional array of stunning beaches, balmy tropical nights, fresh ocean breezes, distinctive flavors, culture, art and the easy-going island vibe. After a few years in Europe, she knew it was time to return to the tropical lifestyle of her youth and, having experienced a strong pull towards the spiritual Island of Bali in Indonesia, she made the big move to Southeast Asia’s “Island of the Gods.”
With a nod towards Persia, a culture close to her heart, she named her swimwear line “DJUNAH,” which means Moonlight in the Persian language. She is a believer in spiritual principles, the power of intuition, the practice of yoga and the restorative qualities of meditation. She has embraced the Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana in her personal and professional life, which brings together a balance of the realms of the spirit, the human world and nature.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Often erroneously attributed to Mark Twain, this popular quote comes from the book “P.S. I love You” by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. It illustrates the exuberance and passion for life embodied in the DJUNAH Swimwear collection.